Virus Details


Host Factor Information

Gene Name ZNF512
HF Protein Name Zinc finger protein 512
HF Function Associated with virus infection, interact with VP35 of virus
Uniprot ID Q96ME7
Protein Sequence View Fasta Sequence
NCBI Gene ID 84450
Host Factor (HF) Name in Paper ZNF512
Gene synonyms KIAA1805
Ensemble Gene ID ENSG00000243943
Ensemble Transcript ENST00000355467 [Q96ME7-1];ENST00000413371 [Q96ME7-2];ENST00000416005 [Q96ME7-3];ENST00000556601 [Q96ME7-2];
KEGG ID Go to KEGG Database
Gene Ontology ID(s) GO:0003677, GO:0005634, GO:0006351, GO:0006355, GO:0046872,
STRING Click to see interaction map
GWAS Analysis Click to see gwas analysis
PDB ID(s) 2CTD, ,
pfam ID N.A.,
Drug Bank ID N.A.,
Organism Homo sapiens (Human)

Pathogen Information

Virus Name Zaire ebolavirus
Virus Short Name ZEBOV
Order Bunyavirales
Virus Family Filoviridae
Virus Subfamily N.A.
Genus Ebolavirus
Species Zaire ebolavirus
Host Bats, human and primates
Cell Tropism N.A.
Associated Disease Hemorrhagic fever
Mode of Transmission Zoonosis, contact with body fluids
VIPR DB link
ICTV DB link
Virus Host DB link N.A.

Publication Information

Paper Title Protein Interaction Mapping Identifies RBBP6 as a Negative Regulator of Ebola Virus Replication
Author's Name Jyoti Batra, Judd F. Hultquist, Dandan Liu,6 Olena Shtanko, John Von Dollen, Laura Satkamp, Gwendolyn M. Jang, Priya Luthra, Toni M. Schwarz, Gabriel I. Small, Eusondia Arnett, Manu Anantpadma, Ann Reyes, Daisy W. Leung, Robyn Kaake, Paige Haas, Carson B. Schmidt, Larry S. Schlesinger, Douglas J. LaCount, Robert A. Davey, Gaya K. Amarasinghe, Christopher F. Basler, and Nevan J. Krogan
Journal Name Cell
Pubmed ID 30550789
Abstract Ebola virus (EBOV) infection often results in fatal illness in humans, yet little is known about how EBOV usurps host pathways during infection. To address this, we used affinity tag-purification mass spectrometry (AP-MS) to generate an EBOV-host protein-proteininteraction (PPI) map. We uncovered 194 high-confidence EBOV-human PPIs, including one between the viral transcription regulatorVP30 and the host ubiquitin ligase RBBP6. Domain mapping identified a 23 amino acid region within RBBP6 that binds to VP30. A crystal structure of the VP30-RBBP6 peptide complex revealed that RBBP6 mimics the viral nucleoprotein (NP) binding to the same interface of VP30. Knockdown of endogenous RBBP6 stimulated viral transcription and increased EBOV replication, whereas overexpression of either RBBP6 or the peptide strongly inhibited both. These results demonstrate the therapeutic potential of biologics that target this interface and identify additional PPIs that may be leveraged for novel therapeutic strategies.
Used Model Hek293T and Huh7
DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2018.08.044